Black Music Month Festival

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Venue: šxʷƛ̓exən Xwtl’a7shn

Outdoors at the Queen Elizabeth Theatre šxʷƛ̓exən Xwtl’a7shn 

Fade to Black Entertainment Society presents Black Music Month Festival: Play it Loud

This relatively unknown event, which was first inducted on June 7, 1979, by President of the United States Jimmy Carter honours African historical influence on the music industry and is intended to pay homage to the many artists, writers, songs and albums that have inspired music lovers and shaped North American popular culture.

BMM2023 celebrates the 44th Anniversary and our six annual events in Vancouver focusing on the contributions of North American Black communities designed to support Black Canadian artists out west and their endeavours in this contribution. At this year’s festival we will be showcasing our first international stage of artists outside of BC as far away as Jamaica, Toronto and Calgary. These talented Canadians are most notable in their genre of music, and our hope is to continue supporting these like-minded artists in their talents, and especially collaborating with other Black Artists in their diaspora with like-minded individuals and organizations.

Admission by donation.

Presented with support from the Vancouver Civic Theatres.

Click the ticket link for a Facebook page with daily schedule.

Dates Jun 2, Fri 4:00pm
Jun 3, Sat 12:00pm
Jun 4, Sun 11:00am

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