New Old World Music Society presents Sarah Pagé and Patrick Graham: Littoral Sates
Littoral States is a shifting, reciprocal project that explores affinities beyond time, place, tradition and medium. Innovators within multiple, overlapping Montreal music scenes, musicians Sarah Pagé and Patrick Graham employ a unique array of instruments, including harp, bass koto, percussion, waterphone, hamon and electronics, to evoke abstracted textures from deep within the Anthropocene. The duo’s wordless music carries the listener through a series of heady atmospheres, balancing a sense of urgency with an open-ended reflexivity. Littoral States is rooted in a profound sense of affinity, awe and anguish for the natural world.
Parallel 07 features UK artist Martin Howse, whose work encompasses research, technology and experimentation through projects and performances that move in the spaces between artistic and scientific...
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