Live Nation presents FINALLY: a Theatre Tour by Rex Orange County
Rex Orange County has always made music about growing up: His winsome, richly produced indie-pop songs tap into the richness of first love and first heartbreak with wise beyond his years poeticism and a keen understanding of the universal human condition. Across his four beloved studio albums, Alex O’Connor has continued to refine that vision, zeroing in on the minutiae of love with an unfathomable sense of craft and finesse.
But here’s the thing about staking your career on writing youthful love songs: At some point, you have to grow up. On his fifth album The Alexander Technique, 26-year-old O’Connor turns his gaze inward, interrogating the pain and mental health issues that have been plaguing him beneath the surface since he achieved global success as a teenager. The record is named for a therapeutic practice in which back pain is treated in order to address deeper health problems, and it’s an apt name for O’Connor’s most raw album to date: what may have begun as a simple exercise in changing the purview of his writing ended up becoming his most confessional, open-hearted album to date.
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